Read SIMBAD scientific papers, publications and presentations
Scientific papers
Andrienko, N., Andrienko, G., Adilova, L., and Wrobel, S. (2022). Visual Analytics for Human-centered Machine Learning. IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 42(1).
Sánchez-Cauce, R., Mocholí, D., Cantú Ros, O. G., Herranz, R., Rodríguez, R., Tello, F., Fabio, A. (2022). Identification of traffic patterns and selection of representative traffic samples for the assessment of ATM performance problems. Proceedings of the 12th SESAR Innovation Days.
Sanchez-Cauce, R., Riis, C., Antunes, F., Mocholí, D., Cantu Ros, O. G., Camara Pereira, F., Herranz, R., Lima Azevedo, C. (2022). Active Learning Metamodelling for R-NEST. Proceedings of the 12th SESAR Innovation Days.
Vouros, G.A., Tranos, T., Blekas, K., Santipantakis, G., Melgosa, M., Prats, X. (2022). Data-driven estimation of flights’ hidden parameters. Proceedings of the 12th SESAR Innovation Days.